Worship With Us
Sunday Worship
9:30 AM - Family Worship
Join us weekly as we gather in worship both in person and online via Zoom and Facebook. Our sanctuary is wheelchair accessible and personal assistive listening devices are available to those with audio needs. All who seek Christ are welcome to receive the bread and wine made Holy. If you prefer to receive a blessing during communion, please come forward and cross your hands over your chest when the host is offered to you. Gluten free wafers are available. We affirm that all who worship with us online fully receive the spiritual presence. After receiving communion, you may go to the Healing Prayer Circle for Healing Prayer.
Sunday Worship Zoom Meeting ID: 899 0857 4015 Passcode: 513644
kindly mute yourself during worship
Healing Eucharist Service
Wednesdays - 11:00 AM
In addition to Sunday worship, we gather mid week for three compelling reasons. First, because some folks find a mid-day service during the week to be more convenient than a Sunday morning. Second, because it allows for a different kind of emphasis, such as healing prayer and laying on of hands, and finally, because it allows us to remember and celebrate the lives of the Saints. Every Sunday is a feast of Jesus Christ, but during the week we get to talk about a rotating cast of fascinating characters: the ancient and venerable, like St. Monica, the compelling and contemporary, like Jonathan Daniels, the movers and shakers, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Harriet Tubman, or the mystical and profound, such as Evelyn Underhill or St. Julian of Norwich. There are even Lions, Witches and Wardrobes, because C.S. Lewis gets a feast day too!
Centering Prayer
Wednesdays - 2:00 PM
Join us every Wednesday for a contemplative time of personal worship and prayer on Zoom.
Watch our latest sermon
Oro Valley Episcopal Church of the Apostles
Apostles! Podcast
Hear the latest from our Rector