Serving the World

Mission and Outreach

  • IMPACT of Southern Arizona

    Church-wide Mission

    IMPACT of Southern Arizona

    What is it?

    IMPACT is a local organization that serves:

    Hard working families struggling to make ends meet;

    Low income and homebound seniors;

    Homeless individuals living in the desert and couch hopping;

    Single parents and grandparents raising children;

    People who are disabled and unemployable; and

    Those temporarily unemployed.

    IMPACT serves our neighbors by stabilizing families and moving them out of poverty.

    How do we support it?

    FOOD BANK COLLECTIONS: Every month we ask IMPACT what they most need for their food pantry. We announce this to our members who purchase these most needed items and bring them to church. Each week someone delivers the collected items to IMPACT.

    CHILDREN’S BOOKS: At designated times during the year we collect new and gently used children’s book to donate to IMPACT’S clothing bank. Children who come in for clothes with their parents also get to pick out a book that becomes part of their personal library. In 2024, Apostles donated 213 children’s books to IMPACT.

    CHRISTMAS GIFTS: At Christmas IMPACT shares requests for gifts for children that they serve. These requests are fulfilled by individual members of Apostles. In 2025 we supported 21 children at IMPACT with Christmas gifts.

    VOLUNTEERING: Members can volunteer their time at the food and clothing banks.

    Venn Diagram:

    Deep Gladness- Children and Families in our community

    World’s Deep Hunger – Hunger, poverty

    Our Mission – Providing food, clothing, books, and our presence

  • Our Guiding Principles

    Vision: Where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger overlap, you will find your mission.

    Guiding Verse: “For there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12, 4-7

  • Migration Ministries

    What is it?

    The Episcopal Church supports Migration with Dignity. This includes the following concepts:

    A universal right of movement;

    The right to be secure;

    The right of equality;

    Rights to a basic quality of life;

    The right to access services; and

    Civil and political rights guaranteeing the right to identity.

    Apostles does this in a variety of ways. We provide services to families who are immigrating and education and advocacy to the community at large.

    How do we support it?

    MIGRANT SHELTERS: We collect clothing, package snacks, gather children’s art supplies, make quilts for children, and volunteer with groups in the community who are serving people who are legally seeking asylum in our country.

    EPISCOPAL MIGRATION MINISTRIES (EMM) – EMM is one of 10 agencies contracted with the government to help settle refugees. Mick and Gale serve on their Episcopal Migration Response Network and the Episcopal Migration Caucus in developing educational opportunities for the church and implementing the Resolution passed at the Episcopal National Conference on Migration with Dignity.

    RETREAT: Leaving Home: Immigration through the Eyes of Children – This 3-day retreat is facilitated at the church and members greet participants with a soup supper and fellowship.

    WELCOME QUILT PROJECT: Quilts with individual messages of welcome and hope to counteract those of hate and fear towards children and families immigrating to the US are made and then displayed in communities. Apostles sent a Welcome Quilt to the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio.

    IMMIGRATION AND BORDER NEWSLETTER: This is a free bi-weekly newsletter by Suzanne Hesh with 4 sections: Pray, Reflect, Learn, Act. Suzanne starts with a prayer and reflection to focus readers to prepare for the content. The Learn section provides up to date information about what is really happening at the southern border with links to articles. The Act section gives readers a variety of ideas and resources on how to become involved in advocating for migration with dignity.

    Venn Diagram:

    Deep Gladness – Children and Families everywhere

    Worlds Hunger - Forced Migration

    Our Mission – Educational Programs, Volunteering, and Advocacy for Migration with Dignity

    Contact people: Gale Hall, Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera

  • Habitat for Humanity

    What is it?

    Creating a more compassionate and jut world, Habitat for Humanity Tucson (HFHT) brings people together to build homes, community, and hope. For 40 years, Habitat for Humanity Tucson has served the Southern Arizona community by empowering local families to achieve homeownership.

    How do we support it?

    Volunteers are working in a variety of locations and capacities:

    On construction sites, volunteers build homes from the foundation up.

    In the environmentally controlled CHUCK Center (warehouse), volunteers help construct prefab walls and homes. The center provides rapid deployment of walls for full-sized homes and for small/tiny homes resulting in serving and housing more families.

    At Brush with Kindness events, homes of low-income seniors and veterans are painted, repaired and/or made handicap accessible.

    At HabiStore Tucson, volunteers accept and/or repair donations and/or work the sales floor. “Every sale pounds a nail.”

    Donations of personal items are made to the HabiStore. Financial donations to the overall mission are made to Habitat for Humanity Tucson.

    To sign-up to volunteer, donate, or learn more about HFHT go to: For HabiStore information , donations, and shopping, visit

    Venn Diagram:

    Deep Gladness: Building strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter

    World’s Deep Hunger: Arizona is 1 of the five worst states for housing affordability. One in 5 children in Pima County is homeless.

    Our Mission: Helping to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live

  • Women's Prison Ministry

    What is it?

    Our women’s prison ministry provides practical and emotional support for women who are in prison and transitioning to society.

    How do we support it?

    The women’s group Daughters of the King at Apostles facilitates the prison ministry at Apostles.

    PAPERBACK BOOK COLLECTION: Daughters regularly solicits paperback books from the congregation to be donated to the women in prison.

    WOMEN’S RELEASE DAY BACKPACKS: On the morning of their release from the Perryville Prison in Goodyear, AZ, women are taken safely to their approved housing. Many women have nothing as they walk out of the gates. So Daughters facilitates the collection of cleanliness and hygiene products from church members and organizes a day for members to fill the backpacks with the collected items. This is a care package of love to help women get back on their feet and engage in society again.

    Venn Diagram:

    Deep Gladness: To help women

    World’s Deep Hunger: Incarcerated Women

    Our Mission: To support women as they leave prison and re-enter society

    Contact person: Carol White