Be, Believe, Belong
Our Ministries
Parish Life
At Apostles we want to help you develop a meaningful relationship with God and each other by meeting throughout the week in small groups for fellowship as well as for the good of the community. We offer dynamic options that aim to strengthen our faith through fun activities like friendship suppers and outings that make us feel connected to one another and God.
Apostles' Men's Bible Study
Our men’s group meets in-person on Wednesdays from 8:30 - 10 am. The discussion addresses questions of interpretation, translation and relationship to other books of the Bible. We also discuss how this applies to each of our lives today.
Apostle's Women's Group
Our women’s group meetings every other week on Tuesdays for fun, friendship and fellowship.
Faith Formation
God is always inviting us into deeper relationship and to explore our faith. Our Faith Formation programs offer God’s children of every age opportunities to grow in love of ones self, others and God. We offer Newcomer Orientations, Sunday School, Centering Prayer, Baptismal preparation, Book Studies & Episcopal 101 classes.
Centering Prayer followed by Lectio Divina
We meet online weekly on Wednesdays at 2:00 pm for a time of prayer and sacred reading.
Centering Prayer is forming a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Lectio Divina is engaging scripture or other texts to discover how Spirit is moving in our lives. All are welcome to attend both or either part of this gathering. Whether you have a long standing prayer practice or want to learn more and give it a go, please join us on Wednesday afternoon.
Lay Pastoral Care
Sometimes life is difficult for us or for someone we love. We are here to walk with you in dark times as well as celebrate your joyful moments.
If you would like one of our trained lay visitors to visit you or bring communion, please contact Madeleine
Worship Coordinators
There are many dedicated volunteers at Apostles who work together each week to make our services happen. Interested in joining the choir, becoming a Lay Reader or getting involved "behind the scenes"?
We are called to do God’s mission and ministry in the world and to be good stewards of all that we are given. Although we have a few paid staff at Apostles (only our vicar is full time), it is through the dedication of our volunteers & Bishop's Committee that many of our works are possible.
Music Ministry
The Apostles’ Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 pm and sings at the 9:30 service most Sundays between September and May. Repertoire encompasses the Anglican choral tradition, spirituals, contemporary gospel, and cutting-edge new music. Guest musicians from the Tucson Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, True Concord Voices, and the Helios Ensemble occasionally join the choir for special occasions like Choral Evensong, Christmas Eve, and Holy Week. Anyone with a love of music is invited to join the choir.
Children at Church of the Apostles receive musical training in singing and in handbells, and occasionally play and sing in worship services.
Apostles' Labyrinth & The Way of the Cross
The Apostles’ Labyrinth was designed by Native Americans & built by Apostles’ members in our natural desert setting. The labyrinth is a path of prayer for all people seeking the divine, regardless of the tradition in which one stands. The labyrinth has only one path in and out so there are no tricks to it and no dead ends.
Walking the path with an open mind and an open heart touches our sorrows and releases our joys. We invite you to walk our amazing labyrinth!
Our self guided walking tour of the Way of the Cross is open for use year round. You are invited to walk through our beautiful desert for comfort, reflection or fun. It is also an important part of our Good Friday Service.